Ljubomir Pauzin
Zajmuje się słuchowiskami i reportażami. Opublikował 5 zbiorów poezji, dwa z nich to wiersze dla dzieci. Jest także autorem powieści oraz sztuk wystawianych przez teatry lalkowe. Pisze również słuchowiska radiowe.
Ljubomir Pauzin jest współtwórcą Miedzynarodowego Festiwalu Radiowego Prix Marulic. Wielokrotnie był członkiem jury międzynarodowych konkursów - Prix Italia i Prix Europa. Dwukrotnie reprezentował Chorwację w EBU.
Jest członkiem Chorwackiego Stowarzyszenia Pisarzy i Dziennikarzy. Autor i reżyser bardzo wielu dzieł radiowych.
Ljubomir Pauzin - born 1954. Has graduated from Zagreb University in 1980., majoring English language and literature. Writer and translator of a considerable experience he has been working with Croatian radio since 1975. (since 1993. with The Drama Department, in charge of a feature production).
He has published five books of poetry (two of them for children), one novel (The Accidental Bestiary, 2008.), four of his plays for a puppet theatre have been staged, and eight plays originally written for radio have been aired.
He is a member of the Association of Croatian Writers and Journalists’ Association of Croatia. Author and director of numerous features. He has left some traces internationally – on four occasions Ljubo Pauzin had been invited to coordinate Radio Documentary category at Prix Europa in Berlin, out of his several participations in Radio Juries at Prix Italia – once he had been elected a President for a Documentary and once for a Drama Jury.
On two occasions he had been elected a two years term member for an EBU Feature Group. Lj.P. had been invited for a jury at the first edition of the Grand Prix Nova radio festival in Bucharest, Romania. He has been involved with the Prix Marulic International Radio festival of Croatian Radio since the very beginning and from 2002. to 2013. He had been the Head of the Festival.