• Nieidealna piosenka / An Imperfect Song
Autorzy / Authors: Anna Dudzińska
Realizatorzy / Sound producers: Krzysztof Kiczek
Czas trwania utworu / Running time: 32'05''
Łukasz ma 14 lat, jest nastolatkiem, w którego życiu wydarzyło się wszystko, co najgorsze. Porzucenie w dzieciństwie przez mamę to tylko początek całego pasma nieszczęść, z którymi musi sobie radzić. I niestety bardzo często przegrywa. Pewnego dnia jego historia zaczyna układać się w pierwszą zwrotkę piosenki.
Łukasz rozpoczyna pracę z muzykiem - Krzysztofem, dźwiękowcem, który pracuje w radiu. Chłopak próbuje przekroczyć bariery nieumiejętności i braku wykształcenia muzycznego. Czeka go długa droga.
Łukasz is fourteen years old, a teenager who has had encountered the worst that could happen. Being abandoned by his mother was only the beginning of a whole series of unfortunate events that he’s had to somehow navigate in life. And unfortunately, he’s often been on the losing end. One day his story starts to piece together into the first verse of a rap song.
In the studio at the radio station, together with Krzysztof, the sound producer, who is also a musician, Łukasz attempts to break through the barrier of his own limits and lack of musical education. And, in fact, he needs to learn just about everything.
At the same time, he organises a review of all the rap groups from other children’s homes and other centres for young people “with problems”. A scene featuring the rap festival whose organisation cost so much effort, concludes our story about Łukasz, but doesn’t entirely answer the question – would music and a more mature approach towards his relationship with his brother, help him change his life (“get him on the straight and narrow”)?