The International
Artistic Radio Forms Competition
and Radio Art Workshops

Grand PiK 2014

15th and 19th of September 2014

The competition takes place in the monumental palace in Runowo Krajenskie near Bydgoszcz and the gala will take place in the majestic Opera Nova (18th of September).

Works will be judged by international jury and the results will be announced on the 18th of September during the gala in Opera Nova.

The following are the competition rules and program.
Patrons, sponsors and partners of Grand PiK 2014

Patrons, sponsors and partners of Grand PiK 2014

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Werdykt jury


The International Artistic Radio Forms Competition has been gathering the most interesting radio artists for years. The idea of the Competition is to use original and innovative forms in the productions to show their individual character in the fullest possible way. This is the only competition of this kind in Poland.

The Radio Art Workshops that accompany the Competition are a unique platform for exchanging experiences and to evaluate the artistic endeavors of the creators. Especially valuable element of the workshops are discussions moderated by masters of radio art, mentors and beginning authors about values and messages of the productions. Productions will be judged by an international professional jury of renowned reporters, sound producers, directors and actors.

Every year several dozens of productions which are divided by genre but united in art are entered to the competition. These are radio plays, reportages, documentaries, commentary programmes and others that do not fall under any of the radio genres. The history of the Competition shows their evolution and the attempts of an artistic conversion bring unexpected results.

An open form of the Competition also includes the producers – public broadcasters, that is Polish Radio companies, but also commercial stations, independent and foreign creators. The authors and the listeners’ enthusiasm for an artistic radio productions grows each year.

The listeners from all over Poland take part in especially for them organised online competition in which they vote for the best in their opinion production of the Competition.

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Zamieszczone na stronach internetowych materiały sygnowane skrótem „PAP” stanowią element Serwisów Informacyjnych PAP, będących bazą danych, których producentem i wydawcą jest Polska Agencja Prasowa S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie. Chronione są one przepisami ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych oraz ustawy z dnia 27 lipca 2001 r. o ochronie baz danych. Powyższe materiały wykorzystywane są przez Polskie Radio Regionalną Rozgłośnię w Bydgoszczy „Polskie Radio Pomorza i Kujaw” S.A. na podstawie stosownej umowy licencyjnej. Jakiekolwiek wykorzystywanie przedmiotowych materiałów przez użytkowników Portalu, poza przewidzianymi przez przepisy prawa wyjątkami, w szczególności dozwolonym użytkiem osobistym, jest zabronione. PAP S.A. zastrzega, iż dalsze rozpowszechnianie materiałów, o których mowa w art. 25 ust. 1 pkt. b) ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych, jest zabronione.

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